Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

Jus 'Ta Story_some stories

some stories from my 'past box' :)

@My Boardhouse
iseng bikin origami buat ngusir sepi,akakaka..
what a unique ownmade pattern and colour,hehehe..
 on way home
iseng moto pas lagi di jalan, nunggu kereta api lewat,hahaha..
i love angklung too^^

 yeah! still laughing for this ugly bear,wkwkwkwk...
however, i made this for my friend,
ehem, i'm not good at handworking, sooo...
that's all what i can try to do for you,hahahaha...
just maybe..i make a better one for you someday,lol.. XD

 little flower at my little garden balcony^^
seneng ada satu2nya taneman yang berbunga di balkon g,wkwkwk..
kecil bgt sih, tp bisa mencerahkan hari g sedikit *halah, :P

 blue bear yang bertengger di kaca jendela kamar g,
dan gantungan snowflake di kakinya,hehehe..
it's from a story of three best friend or whatever you say it,lol..

 Kimbab at my college food court :)
 sekarang harganya udah naek bro,
mikir2lagi kalo mw sering2beli,wkwkwk...


 my little flower again^^

 little 'confuse' lizard at my room,
iseng banget ya motoin cicak,wkwkwk..
lucu aja cara jalannya bro XD
bikin berimajinasi apa rasanya ngeliat ruangan segede gitu kalo buat cicak XD

 yeay! a 'gift' from my Dad,hahaha..
love that crafting clothespin^^

 yap! makanan saat begadang! XD

 love norii nori nori~ XD


 pepaya yang ada rasa melonnya,hahaha...

 flowwerr~~, yeayy~ XD

 my idea box~
ini tempat 'ngoleksi' kresek doang sih sob,
cuma ane bikin dari box2bekas sereal, buat kresek kecil sampe yang gede,hahaha.. XD

that's my story of the day for now :)

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