setelah cukup lama saya melupakan yang namanya menangis..
benar2menangis, bukan menangis yang dibuat2..
bukan menangis karna sesuatu yg sengaja sy buat sedih..
finally HE reminds me how to cry...really cry...
not cry of sadness, not just sadness at least..
but cry of happiness...really happy..from heart..
well, i never think of it before, but how i really can be useful to someone..
it's so amazing for me, i just do my best, just be myself to other,
and they can enjoy their time with me so much...
i really never think of it before...but i'm so grateful..thankz friendz!
it's so amazing to be ourself but still makes people happy...
it's so amazing for me...cause some people sue us to be different..
different, but not original...at least not REALLY original "me"...
but this time, really, i almost make my tears down,hehe...
one more time i want say,
Hohoho...sama sama atuh neng (Gr'an)..hihihihii ;)